
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Ready to run with me?!

This past week I have been thinking a lot about coaching with the annual Beachbody Summit quickly approaching, and I realized that I talk a lot about my physical transformation but not a lot about my transformation from nurse and mom to coach!

When I decided to become a nurse, I mainly picked it for the flexibility so I could be home with my future children as much as possible while still providing for them... I thought my job was flexible, but working all night and holidays and weekends quickly got old...

 In my "real" job as an RN:

- I work all night
- I am up for 36 plus hours at a time at least once a week (I worry what this will mean long term for my health, I hate that I am in... a fog some days)
- My income is limited to the hours I can be away from my girls and what some one else thinks I am worth to the company
- My job is stressful


In my business:

- I work when I want, for how long I want to
- My income is directly related to the amount of people I help
- I can work in the car, in my house, during nap time (basically any where and at any time)
- I am changing lives daily
- I work with a team of women that I admire
- My income potential is literally LIMITLESS!
So, when you look at $592 a week, yeah maybe that does not seem like a lot - but then you remember that I made that in a 10 hour "work" week (it would have taken me 21 hours in my nursing job to make that, plus the commute time, parking fees, etc) I made this money with consistent effort during nap time, before the girls woke up, or maybe just a little here and there... I can not imagine what this will look like for me in 6 months or a years time, but what I do know is that my life is forever changed and my family is forever grateful...
For Aubrey's 5th birthday, she added every last "add-on" to the party package! And for once, that was okay... for once I didn't have to charge the party and I could say yes to the pricey party, add ones, and giant cake (for only 8 girls!)... for me this was a big victory - I've always struggled with having to use a charge card for the extra things in life, but today was just another step closer to freedom without sacrifice!
Coaching has blessed our lives in more ways than we can imagine - it has pushed me everyday to be better, it has kept me accountable in my personal fitness journey and it has given me a financial opportunity that is almost unbelievable!


So you might be thinking - "Could coaching be for me?"

  • Are you motivational, driven and passionate?
  • Wanting to help others while on your own fitness journey?
  • Meant for something greater?
  • Are you desiring financial independence for yourself and your family?
  • Are you wanting to live life by design - working where you want, when you want and how you want?
  • Are you willing to make short term sacrifices for long term gains?
I am looking for 3 women to join me! Women who are go getters, motivated, ready to change their lives, and go to the top with me.. Please fill out the application below if you are interested in hearing more about this amazing opportunity...

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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