
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps Results

Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, weight loss support, 22 min hard corps, Tony Horton, before and after photos, beat the odds, weight loss success story, fit mom, accountability

I want to sit here and tell you all the amazing things about 22 Minute Hard Corps - how the workouts were simple, short and fun; how the nutrition plan was easy to follow, how the core workout was amazing and how much I enjoyed the boot camp feel - but instead I want talk to you about how amazing my partner in crime is.

Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, weight loss support, 22 min hard corps, Tony Horton, before and after photos, beat the odds, weight loss success story, fit mom, accountabilityAlisha and I met through coaching. We quickly realized how much we had in common. We both have baking backgrounds, moms, dealt with depression, on our journey to live more fulfilling lives through coaching and we're on a quest to beat the odds from obesity. We talk everyday - about business, about relationships, about fitness, about our kids - she is one of those people in my life that I know I could call at anytime for help, advice and guidance.

On our quest to beat the odds together, we run accountability health and wellness groups . Not only is it great for our challengers to get access to more than one coach, but we keep each other accountable. We have been working on our transformations together - and as you can see, together we are stronger.

So today, we invite you to beat the odds with us. Join us on our mission to be healthy, happy, and financially free - Our next challenge group is forming now, apply here to reserve a spot.

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