
Monday, April 4, 2016

Beat the Odds Challenge

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, before and after photos, weight loss support, overcoming obesity, weight loss transformation, dramatic weight loss, weight loss challenge, fit mom, pittsburgh

Beat the Odds - what does that mean to you? What Odds am I talking about? I am talking about this:

  • Currently, 72 percent of men and 63 percent of women are overweight or obese.
  • Less than five percent of Americans currently are considered to have ideal cardiovascular health
  • The odds stacked against you when you have a thyroid disorder or insulin resistance
  • 60% of new mom's never return to their pre-pregnancy weight
  • New research shows sugar is as addictive as drugs.
  • In 2015, a research showed that only 1% of women with a BMI over 30 will ever have a normal BMI

Do any of these relate to you?

Pretty scary statistics... and just when you think the odds are stacked against you, and you feel like there is no way 'out' - I am here to tell you that these are just numbers, and you my friend can beat these... How do I know?
Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, before and after photos, weight loss support, overcoming obesity, weight loss transformation, dramatic weight loss, weight loss challenge, fit mom, pittsburgh

Well - I had a BMI over 30 and now it is 21 (which is normal), I am a new mom that is under my pre-pregnancy weight, I am a recovering sugar addict, and I have Hashimoto (a thyroid disorder that makes losing weight more difficult) SO I know how it feels to have the odds stacked against you, I know what it is like to be the underdog, and I actually had a doctor laugh at me when I talked about wanting to lose weight. But I did it - over 75 pounds lost - and I know what it will take to get you there... The right way, the healthy way, the way that will be lasting weight loss....

We will work together, daily - and you won't have to go anywhere - I will help you meal plan, find recipes that fit you and your family, I will teach you how to make this lifestyle affordable - and I want to it to be fun! So I am adding in weekly prizes to help keep you motivated and accountable!
Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, before and after photos, weight loss support, overcoming obesity, weight loss transformation, dramatic weight loss, weight loss challenge, fit mom, pittsburgh

This group is 5 weeks long - with week one being a "preseason" week, in this week you are the student, you sit back and learn all about clean eating, meal planning, water intake and all the tips and tricks I have learned for proven success... then for the next 4 weeks we dig into the program!

So if you are ready to beat the odds, if you are ready to get real results just in time for summer, and if you are ready to start leading a healthier lifestyle - then I am ready to help you... I am taking 5 new applicants into this group, apply here to reserve your spot! I can't wait to chat with you!

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