
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I'll Walk Through Hell with You

Erin Traill, Beachbody, Second Honeymoon, marriage, walk through hell with you, mom, married with babies, reconnecting, fit mom, 5 love languages

When I told you 2015 was a rough year, or better yet let's call it a "year of learning" - I wasn't kidding... I learned a lot of lessons - personally and professionally... One of the hardest lessons of 2015 was found in my marriage...

There was nothing major that happened - just life... 2 babies, multiple moves, new jobs, opposite

Erin Traill, Beachbody, Second Honeymoon, marriage, walk through hell with you, mom, married with babies, reconnecting, fit mom, 5 love languageswork schedules - and quite honestly we stopped making our marriage a priority... I worked weekends for a 4 years and Dan worked long hours during the week... I was content at home, while Dan had multiple hobbies... We grew comfortable, okay and maybe a little lazy after 15 years together - In such a busy world, it was an easy spiral - one that we didn't even realize.

Until we woke up one morning in 2015 and realized how far apart we had grown, it felt like we had 2 separate lives... and we pretty much did, we were burnt out - we put everything else before our marriage - we were both equally guilty...  Marriage takes work - it isn't 50/50 it is 100/100...

But where is the reset button? If you have little ones, you know you don't get two words in at the dinner table and by the end of the day it isn't uncommon that we both fall asleep on the couch by 10pm... Then there was a little light - I got off the wait list for an all expenses paid cruise with Beachbody.

I battled with the thought of leaving the girls - and after much convincing for friends and family - I realized this is exactly what we needed... I needed to realize that the girls would be much happier being spoiled by my parents at home...

So my lesson learned - you can't stop dating your husband and the best gift I can give my girls is the example of a loving and happy marriage... Dan and I both feel so blessed for this opportunity, and blessed for my family for pitching in while we are gone... If it wasn't for coaching, we would have never made this happen - we never would have been able to afford going on one of the most luxurious cruise ships... It's been 9 years since our honeymoon, and here is to our second honeymoon - a vacation I think we will cherish more than the first...

Erin Traill, Beachbody, Second Honeymoon, marriage, walk through hell with you, mom, married with babies, reconnecting, fit mom, 5 love languages

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