
Monday, March 28, 2016

Free Clean Eating 101

Looking for a great way to restart after Easter? We probably all are to some extent! And I have the answer for you - a Free 7 Day Clean Eating Group! My favorite part of my transformation is how I went from eating Hamburger Helper to nourishing my body with real, whole healthy foods!

So why am I so passionate about clean eating? Umm, well you only have one body and you should fuel it and treat it like that! And I also know, without a doubt that nutrition is 80% of health and weight loss -- so yeah, it is pretty important! And I also realize it is the hardest part - working out for 30 minutes a day is easy, anyone can give up 2% of their day to workout - but the other 23.5 hours of having to control what is on your plate and what goes into your body, now that is the hard part... A lot of people think this is complicated, expensive and takes a lot of time - WRONG-O!!!
Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Free weight loss support, clean eating challenge, dramatic weight loss, successful weight loss story, weight watchers, fit mom, fit kids, fit nurse, Pittsburgh
I've done every diet in the past before, but the beauty is -- THIS ISN'T A DIET - it is fueling your body, correctly.. And you will not believe how much better you will feel!

What are you going to get out of this:
  1. Clean Eating meal plans
  2. Clean Eating grocery lists
  3. Simple and nutritious recipes
  4. Simple Daily workouts
  5. A place to ask questions, look for tips and get support.
What are the requirements:
    Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Free weight loss support, clean eating challenge, dramatic weight loss, successful weight loss story, weight watchers, fit mom, fit kids, fit nurse, Pittsburgh
  1. Create a free account with me!
  2. Your commitment to check in daily to our closed Facebook group
  3. Invite a friend or family member to join! It is always easier to take on a new lifestyle with the support of a friend - and why not, its free!
  4. Option to buy a 5 day supply of Shakeology - find out why I credit a lot of my success to Shakeology!
Fill out my online form.
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