
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Holiday Survival Guide

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix holiday survival guide, healthy thanksgiving, holiday season, Christmas, losing weight over the holidays, new years, fit mom
Tis the season for excuses - fa-la-la-la-la... Right? No time, no money, too many temptations... I get it, but I also get how you can make this a fun healthy time of the year to either maintain all your hard work or jump start those New Year's Goals! This is my second holiday season in my clean eating lifestyle and coaching others through this time... My challengers are just trying to survive during this time, but I want them to thrive!

People who are successful with weight loss or maintaining during the holiday season have a few things in common, like...

    Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix holiday survival guide, healthy thanksgiving, holiday season, Christmas, losing weight over the holidays, new years, fit mom
  • With everything, I believe you have to have a strong WHY - to fight that urge to eat that  second cookie, to fight the urge to sleep in when you should be working out... It's that deep down in the gut reason you want to change!
  • They believe it! They have the faith that if they put the hard work in, that it will pay off! They get out of the mindset that 'this is going to take too long' or get impatient. They don't second guess the program, they follow the plan with faith that they will get to their goals - maybe faster than they wanted, maybe slower - but they will get there!
  • 80 percent of weight loss and maintenance is nutrition... successful people follow their meal plans! It's the painful truth, you can't out exercise a poor diet. Sorry, believe me - I wish it wasn't true. Successful people set their intentions for the day, they go into a holiday party with the mind set that they will only drink water, or one have 2 bites of dessert..


But even with faith, a nutrition plan and a strong why - we could all use some tips! Here are my favorites!

  •  Don't focus on the food
    • All too often when we go to an occasion, we are thinking and asking "what are they going to have to eat there?" Because lets face it, food is apart of every occasion - the meal, the dessert, the candy table, the appetizers and sugary drinks... You could easily undo several workouts in one event... The funny thing is, the food should not be the focus... The people should be, the reason to celebrate should be!
  • Offer to bring a dish
    • Offering to bring a dish to the event is a great way to stick with your new habits, you can bring something that is fun and different and that fits into your meal plan! So you don't have to stress, you know that at least one thing that will be there is something you like and will work for you to help you reach your overall goals
  • A little splurge isn't a game changer
    • Okay, so your Aunt made your favorite dessert! Take a small piece, that's right... A small splurge won't ruin everything (if you read my blog article about zig zag dieting you know that cheat meals are okay here and there).. BUT there is a catch, just because you had that one cheat, doesn't mean you can have 10 pieces and some to go home with and oh hell, since I ruined today I will just have a burger with extra mayo... NO! Just a small taste, just enough to enjoy it... My advice - chew it very slowly! haha
  • Don't show up hungry!
    • Biggest mistake! On my way to a party, I grab a piece of fruit, a Shakeo or even a full meal.. That way when I show up to the party I am not hungry and as tempted to hit the buffet! Then I can have more of a snack as opposed to a meal!
  • Stay hydrated
    • Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix holiday survival guide, healthy thanksgiving, holiday season, Christmas, losing weight over the holidays, new years, fit momDrink a lot of water! Especially during warm months, your body often confuses hunger and thirst!
  • Have an accountability partner
    • Find a running partner or coach in this journey and make a commitment to share food pics or daily accountability. Knowing you have someone to report to, might just keep your hand out of the cookie jar!
  • Get into a challenge group
    • With daily tips, 24/7 accountability from coaches and peers, recipes and meal plans - it is the perfect way to stay on top of your why, nutrition plan and faith...

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