
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Free PiYo!!!

Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, PiYo, Chalene Johnson, Beachbody on Demand, giveaway, cash back, weight loss transformation, yoga, pilates

I am very excited to be doing adding PiYo to my fitness routine. With the weather improving, I've been wanting to start running. I need something a little lower impact in my routine, especially with my "nursing knees" which have been bothering me lately. PiYo is going to be a great program to help me reach my goals, a long and lean body! So before you starting asking HOW?! I want to tell you about PiYo - well let's hear from the founder!


Okay -- Interested??? I know you are ;) So How??

Pretty easy - This is my gift to you with the purchase of Shakeology! So for simply the cost of a month supply of Shakeology, you will be getting PiYo, access to my exclusive challenge group and 30 days of Beachbody on Demand! WWWWhhhoooaaa!

Fill out my online form.
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