
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme - Week 1

I was so excited to start Beachbody's newest program - the 21 Day Fix Extreme!! 2 reasons I was really pumped - one, I love incorporating weights into my workouts and two, I knew I needed to take my nutrition to the next level! I am at my weight that I was when I was 23 years old. But after 2 kids, the weight just didn't look the same, but my weight loss that had been so rapid has started to slow down - and I really had to think, what can I change, what was different - and I had to be honest with myself and realized my nutrition was off - picking carbs off the kids plate, a few too many trips to get frozen yogurt and not drinking enough water... So with the help of my friend, fellow coach and accountability partner - Alisha, we committed to doing this program together... The 21 Day Fix Extreme comes with 2 nutrition plans, the extreme and the countdown to competition - we decided to support each other through the countdown nutrition plan... We knew it wouldn't be easy, we both love carbs, dislike fish and eggs (really meat in general lol), and we love cheese - We meal planned together and planned on keeping each other accountable... but the best part about coaching is that not only do we get to keep each other accountable but we get to bring our challengers in on the fun and help them and coach them through the process! So first thing is first - goals for the next 21 days - my goals are to lose 7 pounds, which might seem like a big goal considering I lost 7 pounds in 8 weeks of Insanity Max:30 - but if I reach my goal it will prove that nutrition is really that important!

Okay - So I had to figure out my calories based on the 21 Day Fix Extreme Calculation.. then I saw which calorie range I fell in to.. I fell in the lowest calorie bracket - The food list for the extreme is a little stricter than the food list for the original 21 Day Fix - so here it is....

Once I saw the list, and how many of each color I could have in the day, I made my meal plan:
Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,

And then a grocery list:

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,
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And the prep, a Valentine's Day gift - my favorite kind - healthy yummy food to prep for success, plus 18 pounds of chicken lol

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,
Woke up extra early to workout - and look who joined me!

And now for day 1: Plyo fix was so much fun - I must admit, after coming off of Insanity Max:30, it was a slower pace - but you have to remember that adding weights changes everything! Yes, Insanity might have had me squatting longer, but a weight squat is a whole different ball game! I am so proud that my husband, Dan has decided to join my journey! His immediate after thought was "I think I am going to throw up!" I don't think he has ever done a workout like that, because in the past he has used the gym and this is totally different!! He also enjoyed his first shake! I can't wait to see how he does with the program - I think he is enjoying the fact that I am actually cooking and packing his food!!!

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,
Day 1 Food!

Day2: Upper Fix Extreme! Loved this because of all the focus on the triceps and back/shoulders! My legs are still so sore from yesterday, and I thought "oh they will get a break" - WRONG! Autumn found a way to work my legs today too!

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,
Bumped up my weights to 8lbs and 10 lbs - felt amazing!
Day 3: Pilates Extreme - Truth me told, not a pilates fan or a resistance band fan - but this way pretty fun! Great ab workout!!! Today was also my "break" day from the competition meal plan and I would use the extreme meal plan today - what a nice and needed change of pace - I missed my cheese and fruit!
Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,

Day 4: I've been saying this forever - "I am going to get up early and workout", but I never do! Well today I did it! Go ME! Leg day - ummm yeah - enough said, right? Love working legs because of two things. One, they are the largest muscle in your body so while working them you burn a ton of calories and working muscle helps increase calorie burn all day long. Two, my inner thighs have always been a problem area of mine - so thanks for the weighted soma squats, Autumn!
Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,
Went to the Children's Museum - all the salads were premade - with cheese! When I asked if I could have one without cheese they said NO!!! What?!! Okay, time to improvise!

Day 5: Cardio - ummm, with weights, after leg day - are you sure? I was a sweaty, sweaty mess... Very challenging to add weights to cardio! Loved the challenge, but had to decrease my weights to protect my form
Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,

Day 6: Dirty 30 Extreme - Just when you thought you were going to get a break!!! I love Dirty 30 cause it is a great "once over" of your whole body... but this was pretty intense, and left me wondering - Will my legs ever get a break? lol

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, 21 day fix extreme, 21 day fix extreme countdown to competition meal plan, challenge group, Autumn Calabrese, fit mom, successful weight loss story,

Day 7 - Used today to prep and plan for a successful week ahead - I plan what time I am going to workout, my meals, and I prep  food to make the week go a little smoother and decrease temptation... you will see Thursday dinner is blank - trying to research something new! If not it will be the same old boring chicken! Yoga before bed and excited to weigh in tomorrow morning!
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