
Saturday, January 17, 2015

My First Super Saturday (well Friday really!)

I was so excited when I had the chance to attend my very first Beachbody event - Super Saturday... This event is held quarterly, but with my work schedule and trying to find someone for the girls - I just haven't gotten to go --- but I wasn't going to miss this one!!

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitness
Forever Fit - with our Elite Coach, the fabulous Deidra Penrose!

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitness
Flexing and Duck lips - these are a few of our favorite things!


Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitness
Carl and Melanie
Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitnessOkay, the weekend started a little rocky -- I get anxiety when driving somewhere I don't know and I never drove to downtown Pittsburgh and right before I left Aubrey was laying on the guilt.. It is hard for me to leave them, I hardly ever do and when I do it is usually just for work... I did for like a minute feel guilty, because unlike my nursing job - this isn't mandatory... but I remembered what my coach has been telling me - "come to the events they are game changers" - I am a coach for a lot of reasons but my number one reason is my girls - I want to inspire them, I want to be home with them more, and I want to be able to provide financially more for them... So I hugged her and whispered, "I promise, this is all for you" and Aubrey in all her wisdom said "Okay, whatever mom - can you just bring me home a present?" (ugh, the next 15 years will be interesting lol)

So I was off, and surprisingly impressed myself driving there!

The event was held at the William Omni Penn Hotel, I walked in and I was instantly in awe.. It was still decorated flawlessly for Christmas...

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitness
Sarah, Beth, AUTUMN, Deidra, and myself!
The ballroom was filled to the rim - 1000 people all to celebrate our Dream Team Coach - Melanie Mitro who was being announced as the number 1 coach in the company... So surreal, I have been on countless calls with Melanie and she is so down to earth, and I don't know - normal when really she is like a Beachbody VIP! Since our Pittsburgh Team is honoring Melanie and our team is so large we were able to get Carl Daikeler (Beachbody CEO) and Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix Creator) to attend the event!

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitness
My date and roomie for this event and Summit in July, the
amazing Maegan! Oh yeah, and Carl Daikeler - only the CEO
and creator of Beachbody :)
It was so motivating to be able to hear our own CEO of this billion dollar company speak before us... So great to hear him talk more about our values, mission for this company and WHY we are really here.  Talking about the success we have made for thousands and thousands of people around the US and Canada and talk about some upcoming events that we are having!! Most excitingly, the Beachbody Success Club Trip for 2016 - A cruise to Jamiaca and Hati!!! (and yes, I am going!!!)

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitness
Workout time!

After Carl, Autumn spoke about her newest program launching Feb 2nd - THE 21 DAY FIX EXTREME!!!! And we were able to work out with Autumn live, a workout from her new program! It was so fun and intense - I can't wait to do this program!

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitness
Pre-workout selfie with my friend and accountability
partner, Alisha!
After the event, we had a great dinner and lots of laughs - I even had a cocktail (rare, rare event!) I got a little tipsy because we waited an hour for our food!

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitness
On Saturday, I opted to skip the Insanity workout in the morning - in an effort to sleep in! I was taking advantage of having no kiddos and a bed to myself haha - The Dream Team hosted a great training event. We got to hear from all the elite coaches from the Dream Team and Melanie Mitro herself!

After the training, Deidra took us to lunch in Market Square - it was fabulous and I def ate way too much lol! We received amazingly generous gifts for being Diamond coaches - a Michael Knorr purse which is stunning (I don't even own a single purse, so it was a great gift) and a beautiful bracelet with Forever Fit's motto!

Erin Traill, diamond beachbody coach, Super Saturday, Cal Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese, SAHM, work from home, Pittsburgh, coach, fitness
Learning from the best in the biz!
I learned so much and became so motivated for the new year! I knew my goals but now I knew what I needed to get there! Beachbody has changed my life in so many ways - and I am so blessed to have my coach and other coaches to support me every step of the way, not only with my weight loss and fitness goals but with coaching and being the best coach for not only my challengers but for my coaches... This is the most rewarding experience, between my transformation, my self esteem, my confidence, helping others experience the same, and now working on my financial freedom! Before the event, I bought my first pair of high heels and my first tube of lip stick - I was telling my mom about my dress and everything about the event... My mom said, "this doesn't sound like you at all" - and all I could think was, that is exactly the point, I am not the same person I was a year ago...

Next Super Saturday is April 25th, who's coming with me??? My Team - Inspiring Change is growing quickly and if you have a love a fitness, health and helping people - then we would love to have you on our team! New coach training starts soon!
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