
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Body by Vi vs Shakeology

Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison

When I talk to people about "meal replacement" shakes it seems like everyone is drinking them for different reasons - some to get more protein, some to cut calories, curb cravings, or because they want a quick and easy meal. When I was researching shakes before I started my own journey, I did my own homework and considered Body by Vi so here it is.. the costs, the ingredients, pros/cons and why I personally drink one of these two shakes!

Let's start with nutrition - because this is the most important part... face it, you are what you eat!

Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison


 Tropical Shakeology -Vegan   

Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison

Chocolate Shakeology

Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison
Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison


Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison

The differences seem pretty obvious to me, but let me break it down!

1. Calories

  • At first you might think the winner would be Visalus because it has 90 calories for 2 scoops and with Shakeology having 160calories for one scoop  WRONG!!! 90 calories is far too low to be considered a meal replacement. One might ask, “how many visalus shakes do I need to drink for weight loss results?” Visalus distributors suggest you replace 2 meals a day with shakes and eat 1 REAL meal. WHAT??? Your body needs calories for fuel. Calories are not the enemy. If you are not providing your body with the proper calorie intake it will send your body into starvation mode. This causes you to store fat you consume instead of burning it off. This will cause your body to burn muscle which will in turn slow your metabolism instead of speeding it up most people hope. As a result, your body will store MORE fat long term. Also, 90 cals of anything is not going to “keep you full for 3-4 hrs” In reality, the fiber in the shake is what makes you feel full.

2. Sugar

  • Shakeology has 6g of sugar which is all natural coming from different plant sources. Body By Vi has less than 1g of sugar which is great, BUT to make the “shake that tastes like cake” they replace the sugar with artificial sweeteners, and if you are like me - you avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague!
Vi shakes contain SUCRALOSE: a very harmful chemical sweetener.
Side Effects from Sucralose:
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Seizures, dizziness and migraines
  • Blurred vision
  • Allergic reactions
  • Blood sugar increases and weight gain
Shakeology uses non-GMO Stevia which is a zero calorie plant based sweetener. Fructose is a simple sugar that occurs naturally in foods. It gives fruits their sweet taste. Your body treats this type of sugar differently than traditional sugars and artificial sweeteners.

3. Protein

  • Shakeology’s original whey formula has 17g of protein in 1 scoop. It is made from whey protein isolate and it is a grade 7. It comes from untouched (by chemicals) farms. It also contains sprouted brown rice protein, AND pea protein.
  • Shakeology’s VEGAN formula has 15g protein in 1 scoop (with an additional 3g from the brown rice and sacha inchi) and is made from sprouted fermented brown rice protein and pea protein.
  • Visalus has only 12g of protein in 2 scoops! That’s super low, AND it contains SOY protein which may seem “healthy” but there is extensive research that states otherwise.
    • Body By Vi shakes contains Soy Protein Isolate. Many people don’t see anything wrong with this but here are some facts about soy that you may want to look at.
    • What’s the PROBLEM with SOY????(Not just GM soy ALL SOY)
      • Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison
      • 91-95% of soy grown in the US is genetically modified (GM).
      • Soy has been linked to increased allergies
      • Disturbingly, the only published human feeding study on GM foods ever conducted verified that the gene inserted into GM soy transfers into the DNA of our gut bacteria and continues to function. This means that years after you stop eating GM soy, you may still have a potentially allergenic protein continuously being produced in your intestines. Even more frightening is the potential for GM soy to cause infertility in future generations, which has been evidenced by recent Russian research.
      • Soy contains hemagglutinin. Hemagglutinin is a clot-promoting substance that causes your red blood cells to clump together. These clumped cells are unable to properly absorb and distribute oxygen to your tissues.
      • Soy contains goitrogens.Goitrogens are substances that block the synthesis of thyroid hormones and interfere with iodine metabolism, thereby interfering with your thyroid function.
      • Soy has toxic levels of aluminum and manganese-Soybeans are processed (by acid washing) in aluminum tanks, which can leach high levels of aluminum into the final soy product.
    Those 2 ingredients (Sucralose and Soy) are RED FLAGS to anyone considering the Vi shake.

What’s in Shakeology?

  • Shakeology contains ALL NATURAL ingredients including super-foods, probiotics, prebiotics, antioxidants, phytonutrients, digestive enzymes, vitamins and minerals that come from the earth and there is evidence to prove it. They also work synergistically to make sure you are getting the proper amounts and absorbing the nutrients.
  • Body By Vi contains chemical sweeteners, synthetic(means they are not from real food they are man made in a lab) ingredients such as dicalcium phosphate and fillers such as Maltodextrin, which is most likely made from corn and 85% of corn in the US is genetically modified.  It also contains ZINC OXIDE…REALLY?? That is a diaper rash/sun burn cream and is not meant to be ingested...

4. COST 

    Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison
  • Visalus kits range from $49 for the maintenance kit(if you are looking to maintain weight) up to $299 for the Fit Kit, which states that you can “build muscle”. REALLY??? Last time I checked you don’t just build muscle by drinking a shake and eating some snacks, nor do you build muscle by drastically cutting your calories. You actually have to workout to build muscle.
  • If you want to want to lose weight, Visalus recommends the Shape Kit. The shape kit is $99 for 2 bags of the shake mix  and 10 shape up mix-ins(to change the flavor if you get tired of “cake”). The shape up mix-ins contain artificial ingredients as well. Visalus recommends that you drink 2 shakes a day to lose weight. 2 Problems with that: 1) That means you will run out of one bag of mix in 15 days, so the 2 bags will only last you 1 month instead of two, resulting in you having to buy MORE product sooner than expected.  2) 90 cals + 90 cals=180. That, is very low in calories for 2 meals, and you will have to make up at least 1020 calories between your 1 meal and 2-3 snacks. If you don’t get the additional calories in daily, your calorie intake will be much lower than the minimum calorie intake recommended for the day(for women) of 1200 CALORIES which leads to many health problems.

How Much is Shakeology?
  • Shakeology is $129.95 customer price for a 30 day supply (suggested 1 serving/day) and $97.46 for a coach. That being said, with  the coaching fees paid, you are paying $113/month for Shakeology Home Direct(HD). Around 3.77$/day, which is a great deal for a quick, nutritious superfood meal!
Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison


What are the Visalus flavors?

  • Visalus claims it tastes like “cake”. That is the only flavor. I do not have personal experience with the taste because I refuse to put all those harmful ingredients into my body.You can buy Shape up flavor packs at $12.50(if you’re not on auto-ship) a pop and load the shake with more artificial ingredients.

What flavors of Shakeology are there?

I have tried ALL flavors of Shakeology and do have favorites, but my favorite thing is the variety! Strawberry smoothie one day to a thick chocolate salted caramel milkshake the next.

Honestly, my biggest issues besides the artificial ingredients with the Body by Vi shakes is that the
they advertise "The Body by Vi Challenge is the leading platform for weight loss and fitness results" and I have done research and I see nothing that leads me to believe these shakes will help you reach fitness goals... All I see is calorie deprivation and artificial ingredients, and what happens when you stop drinking them? You will gain weight!

Beachbody as a company truly has the customers’ best interest (their health) in mind. They do their research and make sure you are consuming only the highest quality product with NO EXCEPTIONS!! They promote healthy lifestyles, not just a “magic” shake. We have the support, the fitness programs, the Shakes and the lifestyle change so we give you all the tools to completely change your life permanently.

Erin Traill, Diamond Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, Body by Vi, Weight watchers, weight loss, success story, transformation, weight loss programs, weight loss support, comparison

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