
Friday, June 27, 2014

Looking back at the last 90 days....

Im not sure if I thought these last 90 days went quickly or not... haha... When I think back to the day I
took my before photos, and I look at the girl in those photos, it seems like forever ago... So much has changed... I've lost almost 40 pounds, over 40 inches, Aubrey turned 4, Kate is sleeping through the night, laughing, cooing, jumping in her bouncer, rolling over, and I've been becoming more and more successful in coaching.. That is a lot of changes in 90 days...

motivation, T25, Focus T25 transformation, fit mom, Erin Traill, weight loss, success story, beachbody transformation, weight loss tips, healthyAs much as my body has changed over this time, I think I personally have grown more... I have learned so much about myself, I have become so much stronger mentally.. I feel like I am starting to get a "I am woman, hear my roar" kinda attitude which is fun... As much as I never wanted my weight to hold me back, it still did... I thought people would just look at me and say "wow, she gained a lot of weight" but I couldn't blame them for that because I did gain a lot of weight.

Looking back on these last 90 days, I see how much as changed inside and out and it makes me really excited for the next 90 days... The possibilities seem endless... My goals for the next 90 days physically are to expand my coaching and team, reach my goal weight, be able to do a real push up (I am soo close) and to start building a wardrobe! I feel like I haven't had one in years! I feel so proud of all I have accomplished these last 90 days, I thought the personal transformation would never have one and I thought the physical one would take 2 years (seriously, I calculated how much weight I wanted to shred and divided into average weight loss in a week and it was going to look like 18 months - 2 years). I don't think I would have been able to do this without the support of my coach, challenge groups and my team... We push each other to be better in every way and I am so thankful for them!

motivation, T25, Focus T25 transformation, fit mom, Erin Traill, weight loss, success story, beachbody transformation, weight loss tips, healthyI am grateful for the leap of faith I took, it was something I never would've done but I was desperate for help and it ended up to be one of the best decisions of my life... I am grateful for the fabulous programs that helped me surpass my 15,30,60, and 90 day goals... I have lost most of my weight and inches with T25, then went on to complete 2 weeks of Les Mills Pump, I had to take some time off due to pneumonia and I am now doing the 21 day fix with my Hot Mom Group. When I complete the fix, I am excited to really go outside of my comfort zone and do PiYo (this will be such an amazing challenge for a girl who still can't touch her toes!)

Thank you all who have been on this journey with me thus far.... See how I can help you!

motivation, T25, Focus T25 transformation, fit mom, Erin Traill, weight loss, success story, beachbody transformation, weight loss tips, healthy


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