
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How did this ever happen?!?

And there I am, naked in a dressing room... Standing in front of a three-angled mirror... My ah-ha moment... The moment that changed everything... I just stand there and stare at my body, I hadn't looked at my 6 week postpartum body like this. In fact, I couldn't remember the last time I stood in front of a full length mirror; much less one that showed me so much of it. How did this happen? Yeah, yeah I know, I heard it all the time "oh, you just had a baby". No, this was more than just that, a lot more. My teenage self would've been mortified. She starved herself, she hated her body. I couldn't hate my body today. You can't hate what gave you two beautiful, healthy girls. But I knew I couldn't live in this body...

I came home and told my husband, Dan that I needed to do something, but I didn't know where to start. He told me about a girl we went to highschool with how she did some kind of Beachbody workout and now she is a coach. I went on her site, and I couldn't believe her transformation. I knew this was what I needed...

I decided on T25 and Shakeology... I didn't really know much about it, but I knew I could give up 25 minutes a day and even if it killed me I figure for 25 min I could deal with it. I became part of a Challenge Group.

 Day 1 - March 24th. To sum it up, I thought "WTF did I get myself into!?!" The workout was intense... Little did I know that in a few weeks it would be some much easier. Everyday got better and better....

4 weeks into it, the workouts were still intense but I got closer and closer to nailing it! I loved it, I looked forward to it. The shakes gave me all the energy I needed to power through even with a 3 year old and infant. My results were amazing - 15.2 lbs and 22.5 inches... If I didn't experience it, I probably wouldn't believe it...

Today, 5.5 weeks into the program I am addicted... I feel completely different... I have energy, I have confidence... I realized that giving just 25 min a day to myself was the best thing I could've ever done for my family. I found the 'me' that was under all the pounds and inches, under all the anxiety and depression... There was me... I just want to pay this feeling forward, my Beachbody team I decided to name "Inspiring Change" because that is my mission... I would love to inspire women that they can do this and that it will change their life...

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